The “Men-at-arms” group escorts the Duke Borso during the parades and all the events in which the Duke Court is present. It is composed by the Captain, the private guard of the Duke, who has the main role to defend him but also to coordinate and lead the rest of the knights and men-at-arms during the parades and events.
Today the group of men-at-arms of the Ducal Court studies the “Flos Duellatorum”, an essay written in 1409 by Fiore dei Liberi from Premariacco, about old art of duelling, and so it retraces nowadays the highest level of the art of swordsmanship.
Leone (Audacia)
“Piu de mi lione non porta cor ardito / Pero de bataia faço a zaschaduno inuito”
“Nessuno ha un cuore più ardito di me, il leone / Perciò sfido chiunque in battaglia”

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